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聚力南非 智享天光 | 欧圣达Osda亮相The Solar Show Africa 2023

   2023-04-26 欧圣达7290
核心提示:2023年4月25至26日,2023年The Solar Show Africa在南非约翰内斯堡桑顿会议中心隆重举行。本届展会以「科技、投资、发展——加速

2023年4月25至26日,2023年The Solar Show Africa在南非约翰内斯堡桑顿会议中心隆重举行。本届展会以「科技、投资、发展——加速非洲的可持续能源未来」为主题,作为该地区最重要、独特以及具有前瞻性的新能源科技盛会,本次活动吸引了来自全球各地8000余名与会成员与300多家参展商参与其中。本次展会欧圣达Osda携N型TOPCon双玻高效光伏组件、储能逆变器、户用光+储集成离并网系统及整体解决方案亮相A84展位。

From 25th -26th, April 2023, The 2023 Africa Solar Show held at the Sandton Convention Center in Johannesburg, South Africa. The theme of this exhibition is "Technology, Investment, Development - Accelerating Africa's Sustainable Energy Future". As the most important, unique and forward-looking new energy technology event in the region, this event attracted more than 8,000 people from all over the world Participants and over 300 exhibitors. At this exhibition, Osda brought high-efficiency N-type TOPCon photovoltaic products, energy storage inverters, household light, on/off-grid system and overall solution to booth A84.


Africa is one of the regions with the best sunlight conditions in the world. It has 60% of the best solar energy resources in the world, and 3/4 of the land can receive vertical sunlight. It has great potential for the development of the photovoltaic industry. According to the report by the International Energy Agency, solar photovoltaics will lead Africa to new installed capacity, with total installed capacity of 125GW by 2030.


The pressure of population growth, economic development and environmental resources has made Africa embrace the new energy industry in recent years. The African Development Bank announced in 2019 that it would focus on clean and renewable energy instead of financing coal projects. Governor Akinwumi Adesina said that he plans to invest a large amount of new funds during year of 2020 to 2030, a large part of which will be used to combat climate change and help the African region achieve energy transformation, and the development of renewable energy power will be a very important part of it.


In this exhibition, the products of Osda were greatly welcomed by the exhibitors, and a large number of visitors often stopped in front of the booth to inquire. Osda components not only have high efficiency and low loss, but also have beautiful color and designed style. High-quality products respond to the needs of exhibitors. At this exhibition, Osda products received wide acclaim.


New high-efficiency N-type TOPCon components


At this exhibition, Osda brought the latest high-efficiency photovoltaic components with N-type TOPCon cell technology to the fair. Osda has realized mass production of the new component products based on the current mainstream N-type TOPCon technology. By February 2023, the highest conversion efficiency of mass production components has reached 22.54%. Lower attenuation, better power generation performance at high temperature, higher efficacy fo double-sided, better performance at low light, and superior reliability. different power components of the same type can flexibly adapt to centralized ground power plant, industrial and commercial distributed power plant, and household distributed power plant.

The Solar Show Africa 2023将于4月26日落下帷幕,欧圣达Osda在此真诚期待您的到来,恭候您莅临我们的展位!欧圣达Osda展位号:A84。

The 2023 Africa Solar Show will end on 26th April. Osda sincerely looks forward to your arrival and welcomes you to our booth! Osda booth number: A84.

欧圣达Osda 全球智慧能源解决方案提供商,始终着眼全球化战略布局。截止目前,欧圣达Osda已先后在荷兰、德国、美国、印度、孟加拉、缅甸、巴基斯坦等10多个国家和地区设立海外办事处,业务遍及全球近100个国家和地区。未来,公司将继续致力于通过合作共赢、资源整合为全球客户创造持续价值,加速推动全球绿色能源转型升级。

Osda, a global smart energy solution provider, always focuses on a global strategic layout. Up to now, Osda has set up overseas offices in more than 10 countries and regions, including the Netherlands, Germany, the United States, India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Pakistan, etc., with business in nearly 100 countries and regions worldwide. In the future, the company will continue to be committed to creating sustainable value for global customers through win-win cooperation and resource integration, and accelerating the global green energy transformation and upgrading.

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